Manutenzione Monoruota
Problems with your vehicle?
Did you puncture?
Do you need to replace parts of your vehicle? Trust our most technical partners for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance to always have an efficient monowheel.
Also available for technical advice should you wish to intervene independently.

Scuola Guida
Trust our most experienced members to learn how to drive a single-wheeler effortlessly and safely
on all types of terrain, with the right technique, the result of specific and proven teaching, you will quickly learn all the secrets of safe driving and, in case of purchase, you will be able to choose the model best suited to you and your needs.

Problemi su pacchi batteria
Sometimes it may happen that we encounter anomalies on the battery packs of our electric vehicles (single wheel, scooters, e-bikes). In the presence of these anomalies (for example a partial recharge) it is important to intervene quickly to avoid running risks, but only qualified personnel can intervene to resolve the problem. We can entrust you to one of our professional collaborators capable of quickly solving any problem, contact us.
The association cannot receive any compensation for these services,
if anything it accepts donations regularly recorded in the accounts
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