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Welcome to the Association's website

The Association was founded in June 2019 from an idea of the founding member Marcello Bellini, thanks to the contribution of the members of the Board of Directors, with the aim of bringing together enthusiasts of electric vehicles (especially single-wheelers) created for urban mobility and for for recreational/tourist use, all 100% here to get to know us better.

Videos of our latest 

trip on Youtube

Welcome to the Association's website

The Association was founded in June 2019 from an idea of the founding member Marcello Bellini, thanks to the contribution of the members of the Board of Directors, with the aim of bringing together enthusiasts of electric vehicles (especially single-wheelers) created for urban mobility and for for recreational/tourist use, all 100% here to get to know us better.

I prossimi eventi in calendario

Sabato 25 Gennaio 2025


Stay tuned

Stiamo organizzando un'uscita.

Destinazione ancora da decidere.

Dipende dal meteo, appena avremo

previsioni attendibili pubblicheremo i

dettagli sull'evento  


Are you fascinated by the monowheel but think you don't know how to drive it?

You should just try, with us you have the chance  

to do so, contact us .

Insegnante e allievo su monoruota

Are you fascinated by the monowheel but think you don't know how to drive it?

You should just try, with us you have the chance  

to do so, contact us .

Possiedi un monoruota o vuoi acquistarne uno e non sai come fare manutenzione al mezzo? Nessun problema, contattaci e sapremo aiutarti nel migliore dei modi.


La foto del mese

Dicembre 2024.jpg

Natale 2024

I nostri ultimi video

Una Gatta de Pe(da)lare

La via dei Berici by Sangiomaker

Gita ad Amatrice

L'eroica (a Siena)

La via degli Dei

Monti Simbruini:
tra boschi, sassi e cavalli

VII Monoraduno Nazionale 2024


"Io mi ci ammazzo": questa è la frase che sentiamo spesso dire da chi ci vede passare in monoruota, eppure è un mezzo che può essere guidato da tutti, non ci credi?

Guarda i video realizzati dal nostro Socio @Sangiomakere cambierai idea, garantito!


There's been a lot of talk these days about the government's change to the Security Council, what's happening ?

Find out with an article from our legal expert .

batterie al litio

Lithium, a rare earth?

Lithium batteries are part of our life, and we hear about them in every way, but do we know what we're talking about? Let's find out with this article by Marcello Bellini

Dove posso ricaricare mentre sono in giro?

It may happen that while traveling around the city, it is necessary to recharge the battery of our electric vehicles. By consulting this map, you will be able to see which businesses provide this service for a simple drink and you will also recognize them by our sticker applied to their windows.

Logo "Qui si ricarica"
Piazza del Popolo
Libro del Corso Istruttori
logo Herbalife

Spazio pubblicitario disponibile

Logo WIX

Si ringrazia
che supporta attivamente la nostra associazione

Spazio pubblicitario disponibile

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